Turmeric Roasted Butternut Squash with Ground Turkey & Kale



1 Butternut Squash peeled & Cubed

4 Tbs. Olive Oil

5 Cloves Fresh Garlic (pressed)

Sea Salt 

2 tsp. Turmeric

1 to 2 lbs. Ground Turkey 

2 Shallots Diced

1/4 tsp. Curry Powder

1/4 tsp. Coriander Powder

1/4 tsp. Black Pepper Ground

6 c. Chopped Kale


1. Preheat oven to 375 degreed F.

2. In 9x13 glass baking pan mix together, cubed squash, olive oil, garlic, sea salt & turmeric.  Roast in oven for about 40 min. or until squash is soft.  Stirring as needed to prevent burning & sticking.

3. Brown ground turkey in frying pan with a little olive oil.  Add shallots, black pepper, curry powder & coriander powder.  

4. When squash & turkey are done blanch kale for about 1 min. remove from water & drain.  

5. Add kale & turkey to squash in baking pan.

6. Make packet of quinoa & brown rice mix to serve with dish & enjoy 


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